Monday, March 17, 2008

Aerodynamic prediction worshop - End of prediction period

The Jibe 2 is entering the windtunnel this week. Today was riging period, tomorrow will be the first test with wind on.

Now the period for prediction has ended ! Here is a summary of the result i got, from 6 differnt people / team.

Next part will be the comparison with the outcome of the test !

Here are some details about the methods used for those predictions.

MSch Wing & tail + interaction : Miarex (Xfoil/lifting-line coupling, N=9 for wing, N=2 for tail)
Fuselage : Xfoil + Mangler transformation
Lateral : AVL + drag effect in aero axis (Miarex)
TPla Xfoil plus 3D transpositions
Simplified Cdi assumption
Fuselage effect on Cm from in-house rule (from flight test & statistical approach)

Jo&Stef VSAERO : Linearized potential code, coupled with BL calculation
PLu AVL for stability & induced drag
Xfoil for airfoil drag with N<5>

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