Saturday, March 22, 2008

Nice shot !

Here is a nice photo arrangement of AD in the garage, made by my brother Vincent.

Friday, March 21, 2008

End of the wind tunnel cession

Today was the last time of wind tunnel testing.

Some bugs in the coefficient have been detected, some post processing will be necessary before releasing official data. So that comparison will not be possible before some days.

Please be patient !

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Some news from the Wind Tunnel

Here are some photos from the wind tunnel.

As the operating & recording system of S4 wind tunnel has jsut been updated, it is likely the release of the results will be delayed. Proper check of all the results will be necessary first.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Aerodynamic prediction worshop - End of prediction period

The Jibe 2 is entering the windtunnel this week. Today was riging period, tomorrow will be the first test with wind on.

Now the period for prediction has ended ! Here is a summary of the result i got, from 6 differnt people / team.

Next part will be the comparison with the outcome of the test !

Here are some details about the methods used for those predictions.

MSch Wing & tail + interaction : Miarex (Xfoil/lifting-line coupling, N=9 for wing, N=2 for tail)
Fuselage : Xfoil + Mangler transformation
Lateral : AVL + drag effect in aero axis (Miarex)
TPla Xfoil plus 3D transpositions
Simplified Cdi assumption
Fuselage effect on Cm from in-house rule (from flight test & statistical approach)

Jo&Stef VSAERO : Linearized potential code, coupled with BL calculation
PLu AVL for stability & induced drag
Xfoil for airfoil drag with N<5>